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Showing posts from 2019

Update-an Kehidupan

Aku mau mulai nulis suka-suka Gak melulu soal hati Apalagi cinta Enggak perlu mikir mau pake diksi apa Nulis satu kata juga suka-suka Enggak kek, gak kek, nggak pun ya gapapa Eh, atau nggak papa? Nulis gini bukan gue banget Pake gue pula ???? Namanya juga udah lama enggak Nggak nulis, maksudnya Kalo nggak yang lain mah udah lama banget Nggak ketemu orang, nggak pulang malem, Nggak ke luar rumah selain kerja Banyak yang protes perkara pesan tak terbalas Banyak yang ilang perkara udah gak dianggap teman Padahal kerjaan cuma gini-gini aja; Melek, minum air, basuh muka, pesen gojek, Absen di lantai 28, pesen americano otr pake saus dolce 2 pump, duduk, minta ditemenin orang, ngisi paru-paru, Balik ke lantai 39, buka laptop, niatin nanti sore pulang kerja mau nulis, eh tiba-tiba udah setengah 7, absen, pesen gojek, Nunggu lift, abang gojek udah sampe, lift belum kebuka, Diburu waktu, dikejar telfon abang gojek, dikelabui buyi ‘TRING’ kirain lift kebuka, berdecak kesal, gak sabaran, ada ...

We will always be a could have had

I used to crawl into bed with the pain of your name Blood streaming down my eyes; praying for the time you came Screaming for air at the same time Not ready to hug you with another goodbye My whole life I only know you as one, And eighteen, twenty one, also thousands of none That afternoon I let the day passed by And yet, you go back to the place when we were still blind The tight hug is not helping at all Neither the easy tone wrapped in a loose t-shirt Your whole existence reminds me of hell I’ve been living in Since the last time you let us be gone And leave me here all alone Those days I wasn’t even sure I will survive because I used to run from everything by going to your reek-of-cigarettes words and cold as stone mouth. The sweet “ oh, darling, remember that you will always come home to me ,” used to make relieve streamed down all over my bones. That was enough, the hand to my limped foot; the band-aid to my burning world. My name rolled over the messages which I knew who it...

Couch For Two

I was ready to move out of the house you built for us to stay the moment I knew you will never come home anymore I sleep on the couch while watching TV without having to slide to the other side making a space for you to sit on I draw a nice bath with cold water I’d pleasurably enjoy without hearing your nagging voice from the other side of the door telling me to soak into hot water I lay awake at night snuggled into a thick blanket on rainy days without turning the heater on and there isn’t any warmth of your breath creeping on my skin trying to block away the cold I listen to my favorite whispery voice from slow mellow songs instead of having the argument over a blaring deafening one of yours I watch series that we both used to love one season in a night and when that one particular movie was on the TV I smiled remembering how hard you always cry while watching it And then I play it again for the hundred times trying to accustom myself not to deliberately searching for your ...